Indigenous Spirituality is to love, honor and respect all of life as SACRED,
from the smallest insect to the largest mountain,
all types of Humans, and Mother Earth herself.

Welcome to at West Winds!
Wise Woman of Native American Ceremony
Shamanic Teacher of Nature Wisdom
Hauka Kola!
(Hauka means Hello, may the fire within burn brightly.
Kola means friend. - Lakota)
Wind Daughter is the Medicine Chief of the Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society.
As the adopted daughter of Bear Heart, a Muskogee Creek elder, I greet you with Good Medicine. I am a Grandmother, carrying the spiritual teachings of Sun Bear and my own Visions from Great Spirit since 1983. I became Medicine Chief of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society when Wabun Wind passed it to me in 1996. In 2006 the Tribe was transformed into the Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society.
My workshops and gatherings are experiential, empowering and transformative. The teachings are done through the Sacred Pipe, Medicine Wheel, Sweat Lodge, Earth Dance, Women's Gatherings, Creative Workshops, Pipe Carrier's Dance, and so much more!
These workshops, events and gatherings are experiential to nourish the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Healing can come forth to those who feel the experience of the
Medicine from Great Spirit.
We are all people of the Earth Mother. I honor all people that receive my Teachings. I am grateful to have this Knowledge and Wisdom to share with you. If you are in need of renewing your Inner Spirit with self, community and connection with Mother Earth, then these teachings can be
very helpful to you.
I invite you to be a part of this great community of
heart-minded, Spiritual people like yourself, whether it be in person or virtually. It is an opportunity to sing, dance and pray in a way that is independent of religion. It is a safe place for you to be your authentic self and to embrace healing of your Spirit and for Mother Earth.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
"All my relations. We are all related"
Blessings & Good Medicine !
- Wind Daughter, Panther Wind Woman
Until we can meet, I suggest that you read
Sun Bear's Book, Dancing with the Wheel.
Maybe make your own Medicine Wheel!
Then drum and sing along with
my CD, Singing with the Wheel.
Come sing and dance with us soon!

Panther Lodge Bear Tribe
If you wish to learn more about our spirituality, consider taking out a yearly membership to be with all-accepting, like-minded people walking the
Spiritual Red Road.
Weekly Newsletter Teachings
Exclusive Member Website
Virtual Ceremony
Discounted Classes

Native Americans honor all life as sacred through teachings and rituals with the drum, sweat lodge, pipe ceremony, chants, songs, prayers, shamanic journeys, earth dance, healings, herbal plants and medicine wheel.
These spiritual ways nourish the spirit to balance themselves, with others and with nature.